Search for places to play or hear live music
in the Hudson Valley.
Key word, name, part of name, or leave blank for all:  
State: City: County:  
Type(s) of Music: * Cost of Admission: * Special format: *
Open Mic
Jam Session
Sort by: Club County City
Search for places to play or hear live music
in the Hudson Valley.
To find a specific club or coffee house or other place where live music is played, type in any part of the name and hit enter or click the "start search" button. A list of all places that contain what you enter will be produced. If you leave the field blank and hit enter or click "start search" it will list ALL places presently in our database.

You can fine-tune your search, if you'd like, by selecting and/or entering optional fields below, in whatever combinations you want. All these options can be used whether you type a name or part of a name above, or leave it blank. If you want to limit the list to a specific state, select the sate you want, or to a city, type in the city name, or to a county, select the county, or counties, you want. (To select multiple counties, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking each additional county).

*These fields are not operational yet, so have no effect if selected.

The sort by option defaults to sort by club, which means alphabetically by club name. You can select county, which will sort counties alphabetically and club names within the county alphabetically, or sort by city, which will sort cities alphabetically and club names within the city alphabetically.

Select any combination of options to find what you're looking for. When you're done making your selections, either press the enter key or click the "start search" button.

Hope you enjoy it and have fun.







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