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Search for songwriting contests.
To find a specific contest, type in any part of it's name and hit enter or click the "submit" button. A list of all songwriting contests that contain what you enter in any part of it's name will be produced. If you leave the field blank and hit enter or click "submit" it will list ALL contests presently on our database.

It's set up to open and closed contests in the resulting list, but you can select open only to limit your results.

*These fields are not operational yet, so will have no effect if selected.

The sort by option defaults to sort by contest name, which means alphabetically by it's name. You can select deadline date, which will sort date in descending order, newest to oldest. Lastly, you can sort by prize amount from highest to lowest. Prize amoutns often are not cash only, but a combination of cash and prizes.

Select any combination of options to find who you're looking for.

Enjoy, and good luck in any contests you may enter.







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  Songwriting Contests